Store Give back programs
Why not shop and give back to Muirlands at the same time?
Since Muirlands joined AmazonSmile, Muirlands has received $3,332.74 by community members designating Muirlands Foundation as their charity of choice. AmazonSmile donates 0.5% of every qualifying purchase to Muirlands Foundation.
If you don't already have Muirlands Foundation as your designated AmazonSmile charity, please do so by visiting AmazonSmile
Go to Your Account
Select the option to Change your Charity
Select "Muirlands Foundation"​
30 seconds is all you need to complete annual re-enrollment at Ralph's and Ralph’s will contribute 4% of your spending to Muirlands Foundation. If your family spends $500 monthly at Ralph’s, you raise $20 a month or $240 a year for Muirlands!

If you don't already have Muirlands Foundation as your designated
Ralph's "Community Contribution Program," please enroll or re-enroll by visiting Ralph's Community Contribution Program.
Sign in to Your digital account
Search "Muirlands Foundation" or "GC636"
Select "Muirlands Foundation" and click "Save"